B.R.I.T.E is involved in many different projects in the South East area of Haiti
to help provide a better quality of life for the people of Haiti.
to help provide a better quality of life for the people of Haiti.
In 2009 we started our community school, Ecole Jeremie St. Fort (EJSF) de Rodaille with 3 staff members and seventy students varying in ages from 5 to 12 years |
This program will help us develop a relationship and “go the distance” with some individuals who would otherwise not have the financial, social and emotional support to become self-sufficient and productive members of their society |
We invite you to join us! Come visit the rural area of Rodaille, Haiti. See and experience firsthand the beauty of the landscape and the people, as well as the poverty and limited resources |
For the residents of Rodaille, the nearest hospital is over an hour and a few rivers away and in most cases they do not have the money to go see a doctor for regular checkups |
Many of our students and community members have very little access to medical care. In the 2017-2018 school year we lost two students to preventable illnesses. Since then, numerous other cases of critically ill community members and students came to our attention. As a result, we decided to launch a medical program, where we have a full time nurse on staff, monthly doctor visits, and access to vitamins for our students |
Microloans help provide a small amount of money to individuals who are trying to become self-sufficient and contributing members of their society. These funds help them break the cycle of poverty by allowing them to not only provide for the day to day needs but also build wealth. |